Under Article 6 of Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for confidence in the digital economy, it is specified to users of the application the identity of the various stakeholders in its implementation and monitoring:
SIRET number: 911 771 335 00013 RCS of Clermont Ferrand
Represented by Mr. Fabrice Fouchard, in his capacity as Director.
Email address: contact@la-transparence.fr
Responsible for publication: Mr. Fabrice Fouchard
Creator and Webmaster : SAS LA TRANSPARENCE
SIRET number: 911 771 335 00013 RCS of Clermont Ferrand
Represented by Mr. Fabrice Fouchard, in his capacity as Director.
Email address: contact@la-transparence.fr
Responsible for publication: Mr. Fabrice Fouchard
Site host : o2switch
SIRET number : 510 909 807 00024 RCS of Clermont Ferrand
Represented by Mr. Durand, in his capacity as Director.
Email address: commercial@o2switch.fr