Sharing and generosity are values well anchored in Auvergne. So much that it has by far overflew its boundaries
It is thus with simplicity that we will share with you the local products resulting from producers most often Organic but also very close to us.
Continue reading “Dining at La Transparence”
35€ / Per Instance / Per Guest
Hiking in great comfort!
An all-inclusive stay to allow you to devote yourself totally to the discovery of our landscapes along the Boucle des Domes. Enjoy the freedom, we manage the logistics!
Continue reading “Boucle des Domes”
559€ / Once / Per Accommodation
At La Transparence we know the importance of taking care of ourselves and pampering ourselves.
We have therefore created a small cocoon dedicated to your well-being on the property.
Continue reading “Spa & Massage”
90€ / Per Instance / Per Guest